Thank you for reading, but to be clear, none of what I have written is new. Instead it represents a collection of knowledge that has been available to most active fighting game players in Japan since the arcade era. In this day and age, it is not even considered new knowledge to the rest of the world. But at least during my year abroad in Kyoto 2008-2009, when I interacted with many top-level GG players in the Kansai area during the Accent Core-era and learned about these concepts, these concepts were not well understood outside of Japan. I am happy that I over the years could help make them accessible to a broader audience.
If anything, I would like to close by reminding people not to approach fighting games too mechanistically. All the option selects in the world will not save you if you are too predictable. Neither is it even possible to negate all the options available to your opponent; if there was such a game, it would probably be very stale and boring. My opinion is that it is the dynamic between players and matchups within fast-paced game systems during intense situations (such as tournaments) is what make fighting games “something so great”. You do not know what is going to happen!
Best regards,
Shinjin @shinjinbaiken